Pilgrim’s Quarter Newcastle
Our in-person Consultation events have now concluded; however you are invited to submit representations online via our Survey Link below until 17:00 Friday 1 October.
Pilgrim’s Quarter is a new office destination in the heart of Newcastle City Centre, delivering approximately 63,000 sq m (Gross Internal Area) of Grade-A office accommodation.
The scheme will also incorporate public realm improvements and ground-floor retail provision, in addition to 146 car parking spaces (including electrical vehicle charging points); and the retention and refurbishment of the southern elevation of Carliol House. The proposals build upon recent planning permissions for Bank House, Pilgrim Place and the former Fire Station: with Bank House currently being built-out – all of which are being progressed by Taras Properties.
Pilgrim’s Quarter will be located at the junction of Pilgrim Street and New Bridge Street West: a threshold between the high value, aspirational streetscapes of Grey Street and Grainger Town to the west and the underdeveloped Pilgrim Street city quarter to the east.

The proposed buildings will be of a similar scale and height to the current key buildings on-site (Commercial Union House, Carliol House and Bamburgh House) and those buildings that have been demolished (Watson House, Norham House and the Odeon Cinema). Therefore representing an appropriate scale and massing of development, whilst responding sensitively to the surrounding townscape.
Newcastle’s Primary Shopping Area is located immediately to the north and west of the site. Both Monument and Haymarket Metro Stations are located just a few minutes’ walk away, with frequent bus services also providing access from the site to various destinations across the city; providing an ideal location for an office development.
Taras Properties are preparing to submit a planning application for the above proposals. A public exhibition is also being held at Newcastle City Library relating to the proposals.
The consultation material is available to download in High Resolution or Normal Resolution. You can also click the “Download Consultation Document” button at the top of this page.
You are invited to attend and submit your comments in person on the below dates, alternatively you are invited to submit your comments via the survey link below.
Where: Newcastle City Library, New Bridge Street West
When: Wednesday 22 September, 10:00 to 17:00 & Thursday 23 September, 10:00 to 19:00
It is anticipated that the planning application for the scheme will be submitted to Newcastle City Council in October, with your valued feedback taken on board in the scheme’s final design.
In the meantime, if you require any further information regarding our consultation then please contact matt.verlander@avisonyoung.com or hannah.gray@avisonyoung.com

Agent Details
Please contact agent Avison Young.

Tony Wordsworth
D +44 (0) 191 269 0508
M +44 (0) 7785 916 936